I am a planner junkie
I love a good functional planner! I bought a new planner for the 2021 calendar year. I wanted to continue in my pursuit of supporting a black business by purchasing the "Visionary Journal" by Monique Malcolm. I have used this planner in the past and wanted to use it again. I have a lot of BIG goals that I want to accomplish this calendar year!
The Visionary Journal guides you through long term and short term goal planning. It also helps you break out each goal into actionable steps and space for any visual motivation or inspiration needed. You can create, reflect, review, and track your goals at the end of each month. Then at the end of the quarter, you can evaluate your progress by asking yourself a few simple questions. This journal helps you see the big picture and gain insight into the impact of the breaking down your goal into small steps.

I think the journal is especially helpful for those individuals who have multiple goals, passions, and projects. The journal creates space for you to write down your goals, create a vision board, track your habits, break down the small steps on a weekly basis, monthly goal check-in log, quarterly review questions, and space for milestones/rewards.
I highly recommend this journal! For more information check out Keep Chasing the Stars | Goal Setting Planners & Accessories. #blackgirlswhoplan #planneraddict #freelancewriter #planneraddit #createyourvision #visionaryjournal #moniquemalcolm